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Bromstone Primary School



It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours.

Aims and objectives

Our policy is based on the notion that school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school
  • is practical and smart
  • identifies the children with the school
  • makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
  • is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money by most parents
  • is designed with Health and Safety in mind

Our uniform is:

  • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with Bromstone logo (optional)
  • Gold polo shirt (logo optional)
  • Black or dark trousers
  • Navy or dark grey skirt
  • Yellow gingham check dress (in Summer)
  • Black or grey knee-length shorts (in Summer)
  • Black, navy blue, or grey socks - long or short
  • White socks (in Summer)
  • Black, navy blue or grey tights (in Winter)
  • Sensible, flat, black shoes
  • Small sized, blue hair accessories (if worn)

PE Kit:

  • Navy blue t-shirt with Bromstone logo
  • Navy blue or black shorts
  • Black plimsolls or trainers
  • Navy blue or black tracksuit (in Winter)

Outdoor Play and Learning Clothes:

  • Waterproof coat
  • Waterproof trousers
  • Wellies


The only jewellery items permitted to be worn in school are earring studs in pierced ears.  We ask the children to remove earrings during PE and games to prevent them from causing injury. With newly pierced ears, earrings will need to be covered by tape (provided by parents).


The school believes that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes that have platform soles or high heels, so we do not allow children to wear such shoes in our school.  Neither do we allow children to wear trainers to school, other than for PE, as they are not in keeping with the smart appearance of our school uniform.  Open-toed sandals are not allowed as they can cause injury when playing in the playground. Plain, black boots can be worn in extreme weather conditions (i.e. snow).


Children may wear a blue, black or white sun hat in hot/sunny weather. This should be plain or with the Bromstone logo. Head scarves in school colours (i.e. a Hijab) may be worn for religious reasons.

Extreme haircuts

The school does not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts or elaborately coloured hair. This includes (but is not limited to): shaved-in patterns, gelled ‘spikes’ or ‘Mohicans’, clip-in hair extensions, coloured streaks.


The school does not specify the colour or style of coats and other outerwear, but requests that parents choose practical, dark colours and dress their children appropriately, according to the weather conditions. Navy blue reversible fleece jackets with the School logo are available.

All uniform items should be named with permanent marker or sew/iron-on labels.

The role of parents

We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy.  We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork.  One of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform, and that it is clean, named and in good repair.

If any parent would like the school to modify the uniform policy, they should make representation, in the first instance, to the Heads of School. The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from school uniform, the school will look sympathetically at such a request.

School uniform with our School Logo can be purchased from:-

The Schoolwear Centre, 56 Addington Street, Margate. Telephone 01843 293555.

All uniform items should be named with permanent marker or sew/iron-on labels.