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Bromstone Primary School

Term 6-Is it better to adapt or stay the same?

Term 6-Is it better to adapt or stay the same? 

How has the world changed Thanet?  

Welcome to our final term of the year and of being in Year 4. We have so many lovely trips to look forward to and even Sports Day. Year 4 Sports Day will be Friday 21stJune.  Class Photos will be Tuesday 18th June. 


This term we are writing our own piece of persuasive writing in the form of a Holiday Brochure, trying to encourage tourists to visit our lovely Broadstairs. We will be using our own personal experiences to inform our Brochure and will be partaking in a trip to Viking Bay beach. Also, we will be writing our own playscript linking with the text- The Plague Village. We ask children to bring their reading books in as often as they can, and please encourage them to read daily and books will be checked Wednesdays. Children who do not bring them in on Wednesday will join book club during Thursday Play. 


This term we will be moving on from Decimals and developing the children's knowledge of shape and Time. We will be focusing on converting analogue to digital and looking at 12 hr and 24hr clocks.  With shape, we shall look at angles, including obtuse and acute angles, as well as looking at different types of triangles- isosceles.


 The Week commencing the 3rd June the children will all complete a Government Year 4 Times table test, this will be done in a calm and non-test like manner using an ipad, similar to their daily TTRS. We do ask that children still practise their times tables on a regular basis. Children are encouraged to do their Times Tables Rockstars or Numbots at home.  


Our Topic this term is Broadstairs, our local area and how it has adapted over time. We  will look at the History of the Broadstairs compared to now,  famous visitors to Broadstairs and we will locate points of interest on a map.  We will focus on our map reading skills, identifying a key and symbols used for a map. In Art, we will be looking at the work of Turner, with the hope to visit the Turner Contemporary on Tuesday 25th June. 


Our Science this term is Sound , we will be learning that sound  gets fainter as the distance from the sound source increases,  identify how sounds are made,  associating some of them with something vibrating and find  patterns between  the volume of a  sound and the  strength of the  vibrations that produce it.  We will also have a visit from the School of Noise to introduce our topic.