Bromstone Primary School
Online Safety (e-safety)
Online Safety Workshop for Parents - Presentation
Links to websites to support children with online safety
If you see something online that worries you or makes you uncomfortable, click the button and make a report.
You can also find this button on the front page of our website
Links to websites which support parents with online safety
Net Aware
Your guide to the social networks your kids use
At Bromstone, we take online safety very seriously. All members of staff are regularly trained in order to keep up to date with the latest technologies and online safety risks.
When children start school, parents are asked to read and sign the School's 'Parent Acceptable Use Policy', and to support their child in understanding the 'Pupil's Acceptable Use Policy'.
All pupils use computer facilities including Internet access as an essential part of learning, as required by the National Curriculum. Your child will have the opportunity to access a wide range of information and communication technology (ICT) resources. This includes possible access to:
Computers, laptops and other digital devices
Internet, which may include search engines and educational websites
School learning platforms i.e. IXL and Purple Mash
Digital cameras and video cameras
Recorders and Dictaphones
Bromstone Primary School recognise the essential and important contribution that technology plays in promoting children’s learning and development and offers a fantastic range of positive activities and experiences. However we also recognise there are potential risks involved when using online technology and therefore have developed online safety (e-Safety) policies and procedures alongside the school’s safeguarding measures.
The school takes responsibility for your child’s online safety very seriously and, as such, we ensure that pupils are educated about safe use of technology and will take every reasonable precaution to ensure that pupils cannot access inappropriate materials whilst using school equipment. However no system can be guaranteed to be 100% safe and the school cannot be held responsible for the content of materials accessed through the internet. Furthermore, the school is not liable for any damages arising from use of the schools internet and ICT facilities.
We request that all parents/carers support the school’s approach to online safety (e-Safety) by role modelling safe and positive online behaviour for their child and by discussing online safety with them whenever they access technology at home.
Whilst the school monitors and manages technology use in school we believe that children themselves have an important role in developing responsible online behaviours. In order to support the school in developing your child’s knowledge and understanding about online safety,
Hopefully, you will also find this Acceptable Use Policy provides you with an opportunity for conversations between you and your child about safe and appropriate use of the technology, both at school and at home. We understand that some children are too young to give informed consent on their own; however, we feel it is good practice to involve them as much as possible in the decision making process, and believe a shared commitment is the most successful way to achieve this.