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Bromstone Primary School

For your information


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Reading books will be changed every Tuesday and Thursday.

Big cat books will be changed on a Tuesday and Oxford tree books will be changed on a Thursday.

Children must bring their reading book into school with it signed for it can be changed. 

Children will visit the school library and may bring reading for pleasure books home. 

Forest School

Forest School is on a Thursday morning and will be delivered by Miss Mead.

Children to arrive at school wearing old forest school clothes, old trainers/wellington boots, bringing a spare change of clothes and shoes in a bag. Children will get muddy and wet.


This year, PE will be held on a Friday afternoon. 
Children need to come into school wearing their full Bromstone PE kit. 

Timestable rockstars

We ask children to practise their times tables/numbots as regularly as they can.

This can be done on any electronic device and the children's log ins are in their reading records.


Useful links

Hit the button

Timestable rockstars


Big Cat Collins Ebooks