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Bromstone Primary School

Term 1 - How do we know about adventures from the past?


Our term question in year three is ‘How do we know about adventures from the past?’ where we will be looking back at the Stone Age. We will be learning about how people lived back then and comparing this to ours today. 


This term in maths, we will be looking at place value of numbers within 1000. This will include using skills such as reading and writing numbers, partitioning, using number lines, ordering and comparing numbers and estimating. During the second part of the term we will be moving on to addition and subtraction within 1000. Children will begin learning some times tables and we will be issuing them with their ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ and 'Numbots' login so they can practise at home if they wish. 


For writing the year 3 children will be exploring Skara Brae to help them write a holiday brochure about

Skara Brae based on the book "Prehistoric Britain Skara Brae" by Dawn Finch. They will also be writing an adventure story based on the story "Stone Age Boy" by Satoshi Kitamura. 








In Science, our topic is ‘Light’ in which we will be learning about different light sources. We will also be making observations and measurements of shadows, looking at how they change due to light and recording this data on graphs and charts. We will be answering these questions in our lessons:

  1. Can we see without light?
  2. How does light behave when it is reflected?
  3. Can we change how shadows are formed?
  4. How can we protect our eyes from the sun?
  5. Do shadows stay the same all day?


During our reading sessions we will be using VIPERS to guide the children's thinking. The children will have an opportunity to ask and explore questions using the VIPERS skills. In term 1 we will be reading "Sheep School" by Ross Montgomery and "Voices in the Park" by Anthony Browne


Our class question this term is 'How do we know about adventures from the past?' This lends itself to history where we will be learning all about the Stone Age. We will be looking at chronology and researching and investigating the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. We will be exploring what life was like for early people and inventions from these periods that we still use today. We also have some visitors who will be bringing this to life with drama.