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Bromstone Primary School

Home Learning

We ask that, in Year 4 the children read every night for at least 10-20 minutes with their adult. The children have reading records which you can record in to show you have read with them. Reading books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays, but we ask that you send your child's book and reading record every day, even if they haven't finished it, as they can often be useful to have in school. We also like to provide praise to the children who have read, and we can monitor this through the reading record. 



The children will have weekly spellings to come home to work together with an adult to learn. There will not be spelling tests as such, but we may take part in quizzes or ask the children to use their newly learnt spellings in their writing. There are many ways to make the learning of spellings fun and support children in extending their breadth of vocabulary. We have attached some documents to show which spellings we will cover in Year 4. We will send spellings home weekly via your child's reading record, so it is vital they bring it into school. 


Timestables Rock stars 

We ask children to practise their times tables/numbots as regularly as they can, even if only for 5 minutes. This can be done on any electronic device and the children's log ins are in their reading records. In June, the Year 4 children will take part in a new Year 4 Timestables test, so it is important we provide them with as many opportunities to practise as we can. They will also do this in school.


Year 4 expectations 

Timestable Rockstars- 3 times a week

Reading- every night, changed on Mondays and Thursdays

Spellings- daily practise. These are sent home on a Monday


Home Learning ideas

If your child would like to do some additional activities at home then we have included some suggestions for KS2 children. These are optional and your child can do as little or as much as they would like but we always love to see the achievements the children have made at home so please either send it in or send a photo so we can celebrate this in class.

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