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Bromstone Primary School

Year 1

Year 1 | Hollymount School

We will share lots of photos and information here and update the website, so please come back and check regularly.

Forest School

Year 1 will be attending Forest School on a Wednesday morning; these lessons will be led by our forest school teacher, Miss Simpson. They need to come to school in their appropriate Forest School clothes, with spare shoes. 


PE this year will be on a Wednesday afternoon.

Children are required to come into school dressed in their Forest School clothes and they will change into their PE Kits. 


Reading Books

Reading books and library books need to be in school on a Thursday. Your child will receive a new reading book and library book every Friday. We expect children to read at least 3 times a week.


                                         Dover Class                                                                          Canterbury Class


Class Teacher - Miss Parker                                                  Class Teachers - Ms Whitling & Mrs MacFarlan

TAs - Mrs Goacher, Miss Mitchell, Mrs Simpson                 TAs Mr Bowditch, Mrs Peay and Mr Hayday