Bromstone Primary School
Term 5: Does power create conflict?
Our whole school question for this term is " What happens when we have conflict?" This term we will be learning about the Tudors and the life of Anne Boleyn. We will be exploring how the conflict caused by love and marriage changed the shape of England forever. The children will have the opportunity to explore the life of significant Tudors and learn about what life was like in the past.
In English we will be developing our narrative writing skills by exploring the works of Anthony Brown. Our focus will be on writing affective sentences with specific word choices. We are really working hard to develop the children as writers and have the confidence to produce their own imaginative pieces. Later on in the term we will be exploring the Shakespearian world of sonnets and having a go at writing our own.
In Maths we are going to be exploring perimeter and area and then moving onto statistics. The children will have an opportunity to read and interpret tables. This will move onto negative numbers and volume. The focus wil still remain on times tables and the use of times tables rock stars.
This term for science we will be looking at how humans develop from birth to old age. We will be exploring all the stages of development including puberty. A letter will be coming home shortly explaining our plans in more detail.
During the term we will be going on a trip to Hever Castle to bring the world of Anne Boleyn to life. This has proven to be a lovely trio that we are sure the children will continue to enjoy, and we are really looking forward to it.
Thank you all for your continued support.
The Year 5 Team