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Bromstone Primary School

School Meals

School Dinners

All meals £2.50 per day.  Children in Years R,1,2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. 

A hot school lunch will be available every day, as well as jacket potato and sandwich options. From September 2024 all lunches will take place in the School Hall. School lunches can be paid for online through Arbor.  

Free School Meals 

If you receive certain benefits, you may be able to get free school meals for your child.

Apply online

Your eligibility will be checked, and your application processed straight away. If your application is successful the school will be notified and your child should start receiving their free school meal within 24 hours. We may ask for proof of benefit after you apply.

If you think you may be eligible, please complete the online application available here

Free School Milk

School milk at mid-morning break is an important part of a child’s diet. Milk provides a number of health benefits and social opportunities that ensure children get the most out of their school day.  Milk is free for under five's and children entitled to benefits relates free school meals.  For more information and to apply please read the Free Milk leaflet.