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Bromstone Primary School

Key Information

School Arrangements

The School Day at Bromstone is from 8.45am - 3.15pm.  Gates open at 8.35am and the register is taken promptly at 8.45am.

Children should be collected from the following gates:

Year Group


Year R

Car park gate

Year 1

Corner gate (on roundabout)

Year 2

Corner gate (on roundabout)

Year 3

Pirate ship gate - Rumfields Road

Year 4

Drop off - Pirate ship gate - Rumfields Road / Pick-up - Pysons Road Gate

Year 5

Pirate ship gate – Rumfields Road

Year 6

Drop-off - Corner gate (on roundabout) / Pick-up - Pysons Road gate  (no parents can enter)

Breakfast Club

We offer breakfast club from 8am to 8.35am each day.  The cost is £3 per day.   If your child needs a place in Breakfast Club please book in advance using  Arbor.

After School Club

From September we will be running paid After School Club. This facility can be booked through Arbor.  The cost is £3.25 per hour and the club runs to 5.30pm Monday - Thursday and until 4.00pm on a Friday.  

PE Days

Monday-Year 1 

Tuesday-Year 6

Wednesday-Year 4

Thursday-Year R/5

Friday-Year 2/3

Children will come to school on their PE days in their PE kit. Key Stage 2 will need football boots for their lesson and all children will need a tracksuit on top of their indoor PE kit. Children may also wear a beanie hat for PE lessons and for some sports they can also wear gloves. It is a really good idea for them to have the extra clothing as this helps them to keep them warm and enjoy their lessons without worrying about being cold.

School Clubs

The timetable for extra curricular clubs can be found below. 

Clubs should be booked online via Arbor at least the day before. 

School Dinners

All meals £2.50 per day.  Children in Years R,1,2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. 

A hot school lunch will be available every day. Children in Year R, 1, 2 eat their lunch in the hall.  Children in KS2 will eat their lunch in their classroom, with hot meals being transported to classrooms in insulated food transport boxes. School lunches can be paid for online through Arbor.  

Please find below important documents and information about our school.

Please scroll down for links to the KCC website

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