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Bromstone Primary School

School Policies

Please see below Bromstone Primary School policies for your information and reference.

  1. Accessibility Plan pdf
  2. Admission Policy 2024 pdf
  3. Admission Policy 2025 pdf
  4. Anti-bullying Policy update Jan 2024 pdf
  5. Assessment Policy_ pdf
  6. Attendance Policy pdf
  7. Behaviour Policy pdf
  8. Child Protection Policy 23-24 pdf
  9. Collective Worship Policy pdf
  10. Confidentiality Policy pdf
  11. Curriculum Policy pdf
  12. Early Career Teacher Policy pdf
  13. Equality Information and Objectives Policy pdf
  14. Exclusion Policy pdf
  15. EYFS Policy 2023 pdf
  16. FED Bromstone and St Mildreds Charging and Remissions pdf
  17. Federation Anti Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy pdf
  18. Federation Bromstone and St Mildred's Governor Monitoring Visits Policy 2023-24 pdf
  19. Federation Code of Conduct for Governors pdf
  20. Federation Complaint Policy pdf
  21. Federation Employment of Ex-Offender Policy pdf
  22. Federation Finance Policy 2024 pdf
  23. Federation First Aid policy 2024 pdf
  24. Federation Freedom of Information Policy 10th July 2024 pdf
  25. Federation GDPR Data Protection Policy pdf
  26. Federation Governors Allowances Policy pdf
  27. Federation Health and Safety Policy 2024 pdf
  28. Federation Minibus Policy pdf
  29. Federation of Bromstone and St Mildreds Code of Conduct 2022 2023 pdf
  30. Federation Records Management and Retention Schedule pdf
  31. Federation Supporting pupils with medical conditions pdf
  32. Fire Evacuation Procedure (Policy) pdf
  33. Healthy Eating Policy pdf
  34. Image Use Policy pdf
  35. Inclusion Policy pdf
  36. Intimate Care Policy pdf
  37. Late Collection of Child Policy pdf
  38. Looked After Children Policy2024 pdf
  39. Medicine in School Policy pdf
  40. Offsite Visits Policy pdf
  41. Online Safety Policy 2023-24 pdf
  42. Out of School Club Terms and Conditions pdf
  43. Outdoor Play and Learning Policy (OPAL) pdf
  44. Parent acceptable use policy pdf
  45. Parent Code of Conduct update Jan 2024 pdf
  46. Physical Contact policy update jan 2024 pdf
  47. Privacy Notice Pupils pdf
  48. Pupils Acceptable Use policy KS1 pdf
  49. Pupils acceptable use policy KS2 pdf
  50. Remote Learning AUP pdf
  51. RSE Policy pdf
  52. School dinner Policy April 2024 pdf
  53. School Emergency Management and Business Continuity Plan - Jan 24 website pdf
  54. Security Threat Evacuation Procedure pdf
  55. SEND Policy 2024 pdf
  56. Staff Acceptable Use Policy pdf
  57. Teaching and Learning policy with curriculum changes pdf
  58. Uniform Policy pdf
  59. Walking to and from school policy pdf
  60. Whistleblowing policy pdf