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Bromstone Primary School

Term 6 - Is it better to adapt or stay the same?

This term Year 3 will have a big science and geography focus when looking at the big question ‘Is it better to adapt or stay the same?’ In geography, we will be looking at rivers where we will be studying water cycles, how rivers are used and looking at our local rivers. In science, we are looking at animals including humans. In this topic, we will be studying the human body, skeletons and diet.


In English, we start the term by looking at a set of instructions which are based on a book called ‘My Strong Mind’. This unit will not only help us to successfully be able to write a set of instructions, but also help to build our resilience. We will then move onto writing another adventure story based on the book ‘The Last Bear’ written by Hannah Gold. We will continue to teach spelling rules for Year 3, run phonics interventions where needed and teach from the statutory spelling list. Spellings will be sent home weekly and tested each Friday to support children in learning these – we really appreciate all your hard work practicing with them!


In maths, we will be continuing with time. This will include learning about am, pm, days, weeks, months and years. We will be using digital and analogue clocks. In Year 3, children are expected to tell the time to the nearest minute. We will then move onto shape where we will be learning about angles, different types of lines and looking at 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. Finally, in maths we will move onto to statistics where we will be interpreting data through the use of pictograms and bar charts.


There is a change over with Forest School this term and Lewes Class will now be Wednesday and Richborough are on Thursdays. Children are expected to be reading at home (ideally 3x a week) and P.E is still Fridays 😊