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Bromstone Primary School

Term 1 - What Adventures Lie Beyond Earth?

Welcome to the first term of Year 5! We are so excited to have you back for what we hope is a brilliant year ahead. We have lots of exciting things planned for term 1, which you can read about below...


For Term 1, our VIPERS text will be 'The Marvellous Moon Map' by Teresa Heapy - An emotional and atmospheric tale of true friendship as two pals go off on search of the moon... 

We will also be reading a selection fiction and non-fiction space books to help us plan and create our own out of this world narratives and Mars astronaut journals.



In maths, children will be exploring the place value of increasingly large numbers - going up to 1,000,000 - and experimenting with ways to partition and order them. We will also be continuing to develop our understanding of addition and subtraction, including adding and subtracting numbers with more than 4 digits and multi-step problems.


Smugglers | Reproductions of famous paintings for your wallTopic & Science     

This term will have a geography focus as we where our energy comes from and how it impacts our world. Children will describe the significance of energy, give examples of sources of energy and their trading routes, as well as define renewable and non-renewable energy.


Free Vector | Types of force for children physics educationalFor science, we will be exploring the science behind our solar system and the universe. We will learn about the phases of the moon and the position and movement of planets in relation to the sun. Out of this world!