Bromstone Primary School
Important Dates
Year 5 Important Dates
Year 5 have PE on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit. They need to have their PE Tshirt, shorts and either plimsolls or trainers. As the weather turns colder they can also wear tracksuit trousers over the top of their shorts and a jumper. Please make sure each item is named.
Forest School
We are pleased to say that we will be having a weekly Forest School session with our new Forest School Lead. These will commence the week beginning the 19th September and we will confirm when our day will be asap.
Clothing for Forest School
Your child will need:
- A pair of Wellington Boots or old trainers
- A pair of socks
- Study trousers, such as jeans (no shorts)
- A jumper or fleece
- A waterproof coat for winter months
- A pair of gloves (season dependent)
- A sun hat or a woollen hat (season dependent)
It is important that the children have the appropriate clothing for Forest School and we advise wearing old clothing.
Important Dates
Friday 23rd September- Jeans for Genes day
Monday 26th September- European Languages day
Tuesday 18th October and Wednesday 19th October- Parent Consultations
Friday 21st October- INSET day
Monday 1st November- Black History Week
Friday 11th November- Remembrance day
Monday 14th November- Anti Bullying Week
Friday 18th November- Children In Need
Monday 16th January- Martin Luther King day
Tuesday 7th February- Safer Internet day
Monday 20th February- INSET day
Wednesday 8th March- Holi festival
Monday 13th March- Science Week
Friday 17th March- Red Nose day
Monday 17th April- INSET day
Monday 5th June- World Environment day
Wednesday 21st June- Make Music day